Baustellenpraktikum für Studierende der Fachbereiche Architektur und Bauingenieurswesen: Das Nützliche mit dem Guten verbinden. In sozialen Projekten helfen und gleichzeitig ein anerkanntes Baustellenpraktikum absolvieren! #Dasgehtbeiuns. #Baustelle #Baustellenpraktikum…/baustellenpraktika/
The Internationaler Bauorden (IBO) offers students of architecture and civil engineering the opportunity to combine social commitment with their studies. Many Workcamps of the IBO are suitable for an internship on the construction site.
Students work in an international group in Germany or abroad. For two to four weeks (or longer) they build and renovate under professional supervision eight hours a day. The students gain practical experience and simultaneously support non-profit institutions.